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jCharacterfall – A small, addictive jQuery game

After my first jQuery plugin, I wanted to create an actual jQuery game. While I was swimming in a pool nearby, I came up with the following idea (inspiration can be found everywhere): Characters in water drops falling. You can save them from a splashy death, by pressing the correct character on your keyboard.

Keeping that in mind, I created jCharacterfall – A small, addictive jQuery game. After each character save, the game gets harder and the droplets will fall faster. When playing this game over and over, you might even improve your typing skills.

I’m aware of a couple of bugs in the game, but if you "just play it", you probably don’t encounter any of them. This game combines the power of jQuery, jQuery UI, the jQuery Easing plugin and CSS3.

Feel free to poke around in the source, just to see if you could improve the script in any way! What highscore can you get?

The highest score I managed to get is 37 (Hard mode).

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