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Quickly print the content of a folder

Saving or printing a list with the content of a folder in Windows can be tricky, but it's not impossible. You can do it the "old and fasion" way by typing every filename in a seperate document, but that'll take lots of time. Faster is it, when you select a file, press "F2" (Rename), than "Ctrl+C" (Copy) and "Ctrl+V" (Paste) it in another document. Although this method is faster than the first one, it takes a whole lot of time which you can spend better.

Of course you can buy small programs that'll do this trick for you, but why spend money on something you can do on your own for free? Here's a nice little "how to" on creating folder content lists like these:

File and folder names only

Full information of content of the folder

*NOTE*: Depending on the language of your PC, the outcome can be different. My language is set to dutch.

To accomplish this little trick, all you have to do is the following.

  1. Open Notepad (Start, Run, "notepad" and hit Enter).
  2. For File and folder names only, type the following code in Notepad:
    dir /b /on > _list.txt
    and for Full information of content of the folder, type in this code:
    dir /a /o:gn > _list.txt
  3. Now, save your Notepad file as a BAT file by going to File, Save as.... You'll now see the saving dialog. Enter in the inputfield of "Filename" the next value: dirlisting.bat. "Save as type" has to be set to "All types". Also make sure the coding is set to ANSI. Now press "Save" and your BAT file is created.
  4. Drag and drop the just created BAT file to the folder that you want to print. For example if you want to print the content of C:\Documents and Settings\%USER%\My Documents\, place the BAT file in that exact folder.
  5. Now run the BAT file by double-clicking it, or selecting it and pressing Enter. A print of the content of your folder is now being made.
  6. In your directory you wanted to print you'll now see a new file called _list.txt. When you open it, you'll see the content of the folder printed in the TXT file.

There you have it, quickly printed the content of a folder in a TXT file. If you can't create the BAT files, download the following ZIP archive containing the two BAT files. Have fun.

Attached files:

BAT Files: BAT Files

Tags:  how to useful print windows

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