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mfCorner: Add corners to images with this Joomla 1.0.x mambot

Logo Joomla! is my favorite CMS. I created a mambot that allows you to easily add cool Web 2.0 corners to your images. It's called mfCorner and you can use it free of charge.

Use this mambot to give some extra eye-candy to your images. It is very simple to use and uses unobtrusive javascript. Many advanced options are included.

You don't need Photoshop or any other advanced and expensive programs to make beautiful, cool, Web 2.0 images. Use mfCorner and you're ready to go. Additionally, the original image will be kept intact.


Original Image

Basic setup

Basic setup
{mfcorner beach.jpg|||30}

Advanced configuration

Advanced configuration
{mfcorner beach.jpg|Beautiful beach||30|30|30}


  1. Log in to your back-end of the site
  2. Go to "Installers", "Mambots"
  3. Click on "Browse" and navigate to the downloaded ZIP archive
  4. Press "Upload File & Install"
  5. Go to "Mambots", "Site Mambots"
  6. Search for mfCorner and publish it
  7. Download corner.js
  8. UnZIP the archive and only get corner.js. Upload it to the following folder on your FTP:


    Don't forget to read the license of corner.js.

How to use


Use the following syntax to enable mfCorner on your images:
{mfcorner imgpath/img_name}

The base image path is always: images/stories. For example, if you have an image in your images/stories folder, your syntax will be: {mfcorner img_name}

If you have an image in your images/stories/subfolder folder, your syntax will be: {mfcorner subfolder/img_name}

When the user hasn't enabled JavaScript or the browser doesn't support this script, a non-formatted image will be displayed.

Advanced Configuration

mfCorner has a couple of parameters you can set. Seperate the parameters with the | symbol.

  1. The image location and name. This one has to be used, or else the script will not work.
    Example: {mfcorner imgpath/img_name}
  2. ALT attribute for the image, making it W3C valid. If left empty, no ALT attribute will be used.
    Example: {mfcorner imgpath/img_name|Logo}
  3. Float the image to the left or to the right.
    Example: {mfcorner imgpath/img_name|Logo|right}
  4. Set the radius of the image in pixels. Min is 0, Max is 100. Default is 0.
    Example: {mfcorner imgpath/img_name|Logo|right|30}
  5. Set the opacity of the shade in percent. Min is 0, Max is 100. Default is 0.
    Example: {mfcorner imgpath/img_name|Logo|right|30|50}
  6. Set the opacity of the shadow in percent. Min is 0, Max is 100. Default is 0.
    Example: {mfcorner imgpath/img_name|Logo|right|30|50|50}
  7. Inverse the shadow by adding "inverse".
    Example: {mfcorner imgpath/img_name|Logo|right|30|50|50|inverse}

Now I would have a cornered image with an ALT attribute called "Logo", floating on the right, with a corner radius of 30 pixels, having a shade and shadow of 50% and the shadow is inversed.

Only the first parameter must be filled. All others are optional. If you don't want to use the parameter, leave it empty. For example, if you want all default settings, but the inversed shadow, use the following syntax:
{mfcorner imgpath/img_name||||||inverse}


Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

Don't forget to download mfSyntaxHelper if you need some help with the difficult syntax from this mambot.

The sample image is from socwall

Feel free to give feedback about this mambot. Enjoy using it!


Version 1.1
  • Removed script from Christian Effenberger due to copyright restrictions. You can still download the script at his website.
  • Added a couple empty "index.html" files for no directory listing.
  • Default settings can be placed. Go to the mambot and set your own default settings.
Known bugs
  • Script doesn't work when Joomla! is installed in a subdirectory.
Version 1.2
  • Bugfix: Now works when installed in subdirectory
  • Bugfix: Altered code to remove the "Stack Overflow" error from IE7

Tags:  mambot free joomla webdesign

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