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Coolest player for CD and MP3

In these days, almost everyone has an iPod, a Creative Zen Vision: M or any other type of MP3 Player. It almost let's your forget the early days when people were walking around with a Portable CD Player. I accented the word almost, because designer Yong-Seong Kim didn't forget his CD's and designed this nice DMP (Dual Music Player).

Me, as an music addict and a person who loves eye candy and well designed high tech stuff, loves to see things like this. Don't dare to say that you wouldn't one of these;

Coolest player for CD and MP3
Coolest player for CD and MP3
Coolest player for CD and MP3

When closed, you just hang it around your neck or put it in your pocket as a regular MP3 player. But when opened, you can insert a CD that can be played. I have no clue if it's safe to walk with a CD inserted and what will happen if you get your fingers across the spinning disk, but what the heck, it just looks so awsome!

Source: Yankodesign

Tags:  Fun cool MP3 music audio CD

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