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FlashMute: Mute Flash in your browser


One of my friends recommended this small little program that'll mute a Flash application within your browser. Now you can keep on browsing the web without having to listen to any annoying Flash-based ad, or play a Flash-game that doesn't have a "mute" button of his own. This way you'll only hear what you want to hear.


Supported browsers

  1. Internet Explorer
  2. Netscape
  3. Firefox
  4. Mozilla
  5. Opera

When executed, FlashMute will put a new icon in your systray (which normally can be found at the lower right of your screen). When single-clicking this icon, it will alternate between its normal (unmuted) "F"-state, and the (muted) "F" with a red X across it. When in the normal state, Flash movies will be allowed to use sound output, but when the red X is displayed, Flash will be denied access to your audio hardware.

Pressing CTRL + ALT + M will switch between muted and unmuted mode. This is a hotkey alternative to single-clicking the icon. It also serves as a panic-button if a loud Flash movie jumps up on you.



Tags:  tools flash browser internet handy

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