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Mass Twitter Action and Retrieve Script

As you might have noticed, I've been mentioning the Twitter service already a couple of times here. I've created a webpage that you can use to display your own Twitter updates and showed that Twitter can be great for asking quick questions to other Tweeters. You could follow me to get the latest updates too.

Anyway, the goal for article isn't promoting how great and addicting Twitter is. I went through the Twitter API to create another great and probably very useful Twitter application. I want to present to you the Mass Twitter Action & Retrieve Script.

Mass Twitter Script

What does it do? The mass Twitter script allows you to mass follow, defollow or retrieve friends or followers from Twitter. This can be useful for several reasons, like retrieving all your followers and automatically follow them back at once. Or de-friend a couple of people you follow because they're only spamming. I'm sure you could think about more reasons where you can implement this script.

Demo Mass Twitter Action and Retrieve Script   Download Mass Twitter Action and Retrieve Script

Once again, I'm not going to explain the code. If you want to make adjustments to it, feel free to do so.

Mass Twitter Script

This script allows you to mass follow, defollow or retrieve friends or followers from Twitter. It doesn't check if your Twitter username and password are correct, so it's up to you to enter the correct values. Make sure you enter your username and not your email address.

The script isn't perfect for usability: It could use some beautiful AJAX requests so the user will know the request is being processed. Feel free to edit the source code, but make sure you follow the Creative Commons 3.0 rules. Use or implement this script at your own risk.

This website is in no way affiliated with Twitter.

The script has been created by Make sure you check it out for more interesting stuff. You can also follow me on Twitter or contact me to give feedback.

The sliding tabs is a MooTools plugin created by CreativePony.

Conclusion / Demo / Download

Other than the points stated above, the script works fine as expected. You can try it yourself using the demo before implementing it on your own webserver. Another reason why you could find this script useful, is if you want a nice overview of all your friends / followers. The page checks if you're already following another person.

Demo Mass Twitter Action and Retrieve Script   Download Mass Twitter Action and Retrieve Script

I hope you find this script useful and you'll be able to use and / or implement it somewhere someday. Do you have other good reasons why you could use this script?


Vinh Le from BlogDesignBlog give me a tip on Twitter yesterday to improve the script.

You're now able to enter the full Twitter url (Example: to mass (de)follow. This can help you when you're browsing big lists online only showing full URL's. Thanks for the feedback Vinh! I've updated the demo and download. Enjoy!

Tags:  twitter free mass php webdesign website

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