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Unique website for your Digg updates

A couple of days ago, I presented the Unique website for your Twitter updates Reloaded. The script was based on another one TutorialBlog released earlier.

Now I'm using the same idea but converting it for another site. Today, you'll be able to show a Unique website for your Digg updates.

Digg Page

I'm not going into the PHP details this time (only some explanation on the configuration), but you can download the page from the download section.

Demo Digg Website   Download Digg Website

Almost everything is loaded from Digg using the Digg API. If you (or your friends) Dugg something, the page will be updated automatically. Oh, and while you're at it: Why don't you add me on Digg? The demo page will show your avatar immediately. If you like the script, don't forget to Digg it!

Unique website for Digg updates

  1. Open up "dig.php" with any text editor (Notepad, Dreamweaver, Smultron etc.)
  2. Find $username and $appkey on line 10 and 11
  3. Change the value between the quotes in your username and appkey (Appkey = the URL of your application)
  4. Make some additional changes (like changing $nrsubmissions, $nrdugg, $nrfrienddugg and $nrfanss)
  5. Save the file and upload everything to your webserver
  6. Check out your own Digg page!
  • Set the number of submissions
  • Set the number of duggs to show
  • Set the number of your latest fans
  • Set the number of friendly diggs
  • Automatically adds the avatars of the users
  • Based on the template made by Chris Coyier
  • And more! (Check out demo page)

There is a possibility the page doesn't show and gives the following error: Unable to load XML from Digg. Please try again. This can happen when the script wants to load faster than the actual XML from Digg. Simpy refresh the page and try again.

Conclusion, Download, Demo

This script works exactly as expected, except that sometimes the XML couldn't be loaded. You could think about caching the page, loading it with AJAX etc. to improve the flow.

Demo Digg Website   Download Digg Website

Hope you like it! If you have uploaded this page and configured it at your will, please share it in the comments. Really wondering how pages from other people will look like!

Tags:  digg webdesign website

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