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Dynamic Flash Logo Scroller with Links

A while ago, I wrote an article called a Flash image viewer by reading directory contents. Jon Diamond found my article and used it to create a dynamic Flash logo scroller for ImageWorks Studio. You can view the scroller on the right side of the page.

Jon send me a mail, thanking me for the tutorial and included the sources files how he created the scroller. He approved to put the files on to let the users download and use it.

Dynamic Flash Logo Scroller

When I received the source files, I did want to make a minor change to the concept: The logo's should be click-able and be linked to a site. That's why I got into the code (PHP and AS), made the changes and now put it available. It's still fully dynamic: If you add a logo (or other kind of image), to a directory, it'll automatically be displayed in the scroller and is linked to a website.

Demo Dynamic Logo Scroller   Download Dynamic Logo Scroller

I'm not going into the technical details this time. You can view the actionscript code in the FLA file and explanation of the code (PHP and AS) can be read in the other article. I'll explain some of the (very easy) configurations.


Adding a logo is really easy: Just add an image to the directory with the Flash (SWF) and PHP file and that's it! The logo is now automatically added to the scroller.

To make the logo link to a website, use the following syntax for the filename.


  1. [NAME] - Name of the file (Sorting is alfabetical)
  2. [URL] - URL to link to (no "http://" is needed)
  3. [EXTENSION] - Fileextension (JPG, PNG, BMP or GIF)

Make sure you add the three (3) underscores, than "url", than another underscore to make it work. A correct file name would be: More examples can be found in the download package.

When you open index.html, you'll find a linewith so.addVariable("target", "_self");. Change the "_self" to another value (example: "_blank") to change the target window you want to open the URL's in.


I want to thank Jon from ImageWorks to release the source file to the public.

On Twitter, I asked the question who wanted to share their logo's to add in this article / scroller. I want to thank the following who replied and shared their logo (in random order):

Conclusion and Download

I have to admit, there are a couple of strange things in the code. The first node of the PHP file is empty, otherwise one logo would be missing. The next thing is that sometimes, for unknown reason, the logo's are displayed in a random order. Other than those "minor" flaws, the scroller works perfectly. Feel free to dig in the code to make some changes if you want.

Demo Dynamic Logo Scroller   Download Dynamic Logo Scroller

If you want to show where you're using this "tool", want to give feedback or just like to share something, feel free to do so.

Tags:  logo scroller flash freebie actionscript dynamic

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